You can grill almost anything on your Foreman Grill. So instead of making the same-old burgers and chicken breasts, why not try some hot dogs, meatloaf or some desserts like pancakes.

You can grill almost anything on your Foreman Grill. So instead of making the same-old burgers and chicken breasts, why not try some hot dogs, meatloaf or some desserts like pancakes.
I bought a George Forman indoor/outdoor grill & there was not a recipe for baby back ribs.I recently purchased some picnic pork ribs but when I got home & looked in the instruction booklet that came with the grill there was no recipe or even any cooking instructions.Can you please send me a recipe.
My indoor-outdoor grill GFO3320 delivered today..same thing as other temperature instructions for ribs or any thing book on getting started cooking with the different temperatures for foods
Since I’ve been single, not by choice, my husband went home to be with the Lord, I find myself using my George Foreman lean mean grilling machine more and more! And it’s so versatile! I love it! I even cook french fries on it and they come out crisp and so good tasting! THANK YOU GEORGE – for making grilling fun, easy and a new experience everyday!
Hi Bet how do you cook french fries on your George Forman grill machine ? exactly what i,m trying to say is do you use frozen oven chips ? or frozen french frie chips these are thinner that normal size oven chips. And how many minutes does it take to cook chips fresh or frozen on your grill machine ? Please reply Bet thanks
I would like to have some sort of instruction booklet. There was NOTHING that came with the grill!!
This girll doesn’t even need instructions people. It is super simple and fun! Learn to cook!!!
Ana I am ROTFL at your comment, because it’s so true. You can do it all with this grill, use common sense and you’ll be a pro in no time.
Would like how to use griddle plate when making eggs or pancakes. Do I close lid when cooking these items or just leave lid open.
I tried backing cookies on the grill with the griddle & broiler that’s how I would think it should b done. But I burned the bottom & top was raw they should at least have recipies for what they show on tv like the he fried eggs &a bacon
Need a cooking book for the encore as it has different temperatures. What temps for muffins, brownies. What good is it if you have no temperature or timing guide to go with these items. I’ve burnt my first batch of muffins already. Don’t wish to do that again.
Why does an old cooking book I found for the older models of GF say no need for oils as it’s a non stick surface yet then say to use cooking spray on all recipes?
I make the best pizza ever on this grill.. I use fresh dough, roll out thin and place on grill. Use about 1 1/2 tablespoons of sauce, olives or whatever veggie you like that is not real wet. add cheese and top with red onion! The crust is crunchy and chewy, the cheese never sticks to the top and is browned beautifully. Cooks in 6 minutes and is 100% better than any other pizza I have ever eaten!
I cannot grill outside as it’s not allowed in my complex. I use my grill all the time for a variety of chicken, beef & seafood. It always comes out great. It’s worth it’s weight to me!