Easy Grilled Chicken Tenders Recipe

Easy Grilled Chicken Tenders Recipe

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Easy Grilled Chicken Tenders Recipe
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Chicken tenders are perfect for a quick meal or as a snack. Kids love ’em too!

Your Foreman Grill is perfect for making quick and easy grilled chicken tenders. With a few easy steps you can create delicious tenders that are great on their own, in salads, in wraps, or however you’d like to have some delicious grilled chicken.

You can purchase boneless skinless chicken breast tenderloins at most grocery stores and work directly with those. Or you can use regular boneless skinless chicken breasts and gut them into strips of approximately 1 inch wide. If starting with whole breasts, use a meat mallet and pound to a thickness of about 1/2 inch. They will grill much better that way.


  • 1 lb chicken breast tenderloins (or use regular chicken breast cut to size)
  • 1/2 cup Italian salad dressing
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 2 teaspoons of honey

Total time:35 minPrep time:30 min – Cook time:5 min – Serves:2 people


Mix salad dressing, lime juice and honey in a shallow bowl of ziploc bag and add chicken tenders. Marinate for as long as you can. If you can let them marinate overnight they will be best. But even for a few minutes and you’ll still get tasty tenders.

Preheat your grill for at least 5 minutes with the lid closed. Use high setting if you have it.

Add marinated tenderloins and close lid. Grilling time will be approximately 5 minutes. Be sure to check for doneness and internal temperature of 165F.

Serve with your favorite dipping sauce!

1 comment

  1. KP - March 31, 2021 at 8:31 pm Reply

    I used this as a guide and I have the George Forman Gun Metal indoor/outdoor grill. I marinated using the Lawrys Lemon and let the chicken tenderloins sit in a big quart size bag with the marinade for three hours. When ready to cook them, I set the grill to number 4 and then put the tenderloins on the grill to sear on each side about two minutes and then put the lid on and cooked on one side three minutes and then turned over for two. Best tenderloins ever and so moist!

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